The Tantrum Survival Guide, By Liza Pringle

As a parent or guardian, it can be difficult to find effective ways to decrease challenging behavior in young children, whether you are a new or seasoned caregiver. However, there are tactics like “the power of the pause” that can help you respond more effectively and intentionally to those difficult behavior moments.  Read the full article HERE.


Positive Pick-Ups, By Liza Pringle

At the end of a long day, both children and adults may feel emotionally drained, making it a challenging time for connection. Dr. Wendy Mogel suggests engaging with children by mentioning something they’re passionate about, showing them you think of them even when apart—an approach that fosters warmth and strengthens bonds. Read the full article HERE.

Hum Your Way to A Calmer December, By Liza Pringle

Holidays can be hectic and
overwhelming, both for little kids & their grownups, 
so having a couple of calming tricks up your sleeve can
go a long way to making the season better. Read the full article HERE.


Second Step: The Foundational Unit. By Gerald Bolden

This article by Gerald Bolden, Wonders Extended Day Program Director and Auxiliary Program Manager, highlights how the Second Step curriculum is implemented through creative activities and games. Read the full article HERE.

Consultants Corner. By the Child Development Consultants (CDC)

Parents and guardians are children’s first teachers. These six articles provide families with information and tools to continue social-emotional learning at home by tackling topics of self-regulation, managing tantrums, picky eating, play dates, and sensory processing. Read the full articles HERE.

Take it Outside! By Cindi Dixon

This article by Cindi Dixon, highlights the benefits spending time outside has on young children’s development and mental health. Read the full article HERE.

Take Time to Stop and Count the Roses! By Liza Pringle

You can do so much to help your child “grow” their number sense during your little everyday moments together. This short article explores ways parents can help their children learn the foundation of mathematics. Read the full article HERE.

The Write Time. By Liza Pringle

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to help your child learn the power of print by making handwritten notes. These mini-teachable moments plant the seeds for future literacy learning. Read the full article HERE.

Partners in Potty Learning. By Liza Pringle

Taking a team approach to potty training, in which home and school are in sync, can mean a more positive –and perhaps a shorter — experience for you and your child. Read the full article HERE.

Try Sportscasting! By Liza Pringle

This article by Liza Pringle, Wonders Early Learning Curriculum and Instructions Specialist, highlights the benefits of sportscasting to infants and young children using a style of talking called “parentese.” Read the full article HERE.

CDW Curriculum: By Liza Pringle

This article by Liza Pringle, Wonders Early Learning Curriculum and Instructions Specialist, reflects on the Children Discovering Their World two-year pre-k curriculum study in Wonders’ preschool classrooms. Read the full article HERE.