Wonders Leadership Circle

Generous Leaders Committed to Advancing the Wonders Mission

Need assistance? Please email Jordanne Otero, [email protected], to make your pledge as a future Circle Member. 

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A Sustaining Giving Circle

Powered by Committed Leaders 

Wonders Leadership Circle is composed of former Board members whose leadership extends beyond their tenure on the Board and is demonstrated through their ongoing philanthropic commitment to the Wonders mission.
Wonders Board of Directors have established a legacy of generosity that strengthens Wonders year after year. The Leadership Circle embodies this legacy by building a future through defined future giving that helps Wonders achieve its goals. By pledging to give for a minimum of three consecutive years, Circle members exemplify the essence of transformative leadership and showcase the impact of collective, personal investment in creating positive and lasting change.
We are deeply grateful to our Leadership Circle members for their long-term commitment to ensuring Wonders’ high quality child care programs continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and families. 

Celebrating Circle Members

Leadership Circle Members commit to giving for three consecutive years. Leadership Circle Members are recognized for this commitment to Wonders in the following ways: 
  • Recognition on our website, social media platforms, and in our yearly report
  • Including member profiles in our monthly newsletter
  • Special invitations to Wonders Board and community events 
  • Periodic invitations to meet with Joanne Hurt and current Board members for focused discussions on Wonders strategic direction and mission. 

Customize Your Philanthropic Impact 

Sustaining Wonders Mission through General Operating Support: 

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General operating support plays a crucial role in enabling Wonders to achieve its mission in a sustainable and impactful way. By providing flexibility to invest non-tuition revenue to cover operational expenses, these funds help ensure Wonders continuous investment in essential areas such as strategic planning, staff development, curriculum enhancement, and facility maintenance. With general operating support, Wonders can prioritize the needs of children and their families and maintain its commitment to excellence.
General operating support plays a crucial role in enabling Wonders to achieve its mission in a sustainable and impactful manner/way. By providing flexibility to invest non-tuition revenue to cover operational expenses, these funds help ensure Wonders continuous investment in essential areas such as strategic planning, staff development, curriculum enhancement, and facility maintenance. With general operating support, Wonders can prioritize the needs of children and their families and maintain its commitment to excellence.

Ensuring Competitive Salaries and Comprehensive Benefits for Wonders Teachers:

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Wonders invests in its workforce by prioritizing compensation and nurturing meaningful careers. At Wonders, we recognize that teachers’ salaries and access to benefits shapes the livelihoods of educators and directly impacts the high-quality care and education children receive. Competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits not only attract and retain skilled teachers but enable them to meet their basic needs, pursue professional development opportunities, and provide for their families. When teachers are fairly compensated, they experience greater job satisfaction, leading to increased motivation, dedication, and productivity in the classroom.
Wonders invests in its workforce by prioritizing compensation and nurturing meaningful careers. At Wonders, we recognize that teachers’ salaries and access to benefits shapes the livelihoods of educators and directly impacts the high-quality care and education children receive. Competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits not only attract and retain skilled teachers but enables them to meet their basic needs, pursue professional development opportunities, and provide for their families. When teachers are fairly compensated, they experience greater job satisfaction, leading to increased motivation, dedication, and productivity in the classroom.

Ensuring Continued Professional Development Workshops for Regional Educators:

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Wonders invests in continued teacher professional development by providing equity-focused and research-based training to Wonders teachers and regional educators. Through the Wonders Professional Development Consortium, experienced and certified trainers deliver topics that empower educators to enhance their teaching practices to advance learning outcomes for children and strengthen their commitment to their career goals. In addition to the PDC, Wonders is strengthening its commitment to the professional development of its own educators and staff by expanding training and coaching models to create pathways that foster continuous improvement and individual growth. Prioritizing teacher professional development cultivates a workforce of highly-skilled and motivated teachers who are dedicated to helping children develop the skills and foundations of life-long learners.

Wonders invests in continued teacher professional development by providing ongoing training and support to Wonders teachers and regional educators. Increased access to a variety of training topics, led by certified trainers, empowers educators in reaching their career goals and enhances their teaching practices resulting in improved learning outcomes for children. Prioritizing teacher professional development cultivates a workforce of highly-skilled and motivated teachers dedicated to helping children develop the skills and foundations of life-long learners.

Growing Financial Assistance Support for Families in Need: 

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Wonders ensures our commitment to making our high quality child care programs accessible by investing in Wonders’ Circle Fund, a tuition assistance program. These funds promote economic diversity within our community and ensure that every family enrolled in our programs has access to support during unexpected financial crises. Supporting families facing financials barriers with meaningful tuition support allows us to make a difference in the lives of children, their families, and for the future of our community.

Wonders ensures our commitment to making our high quality child care programs accessible by investing in Wonders’ Circle Fund, a tuition assistance program. These funds promote economic diversity within our community and ensures that every family enrolled in our programs has access to support during unexpected financial crises. Supporting families facing financials barriers with meaningful tuition support allows us to make a difference in the lives of children, their families, and for the future of our community.

Thank You, Circle members!

We deeply appreciate and value the dedication of our Leadership Circle members. Their continuous support and commitment fuel our mission and ensure Wonders continues to thrive for future generations. 

Debbie Brown

I choose to support Wonders, even beyond my board service, because they provide an invaluable service to families in the community.  In a time when many providers struggle to remain viable, it is important to make sure programs like Wonders have the financial means to continue to uphold the high standards they have adhered to all these years.  Not only do they provide excellent early learning experiences for the children in their care, they serve as a model for other providers and a leader in advocacy for the sector – which helps all providers.  Wonders teachers are beloved and valued  members of the community and the Wonders leadership strives to treat them as such.  All of these things make Wonders a very special organization worth supporting!

Maurine Beasley

I had the pleasure of serving on the Wonders board for three years. I joined the board as a community member because I am interested in the issue of child care, so essential if many women are to fulfill their potential as contributing members of society both inside and outside the home. Wonders has a deservedly fine reputation as a first-class child care provider. I learned a lot about the challenges of operating it from my board service. I was particularly impressed with the dedication of its staff and leadership.

I look forward to continuing to support Wonders through it’s Leadership Circle.

Sharon Strauss

As a former board member, teacher, and parent who participated in a number of Wonders’ programs, I appreciate the value of the outstanding educational services and advocacy which Wonders’ talented staff, volunteers, and community partners have contributed to children and families throughout the years. My family has developed lasting friendships with adults and children through the Wonders programs, so becoming a sustaining supporter is a small way for us to give back. Lastly, the advocacy efforts benefit not only the Wonders community, but families throughout our county and region, and the professionals caring for children. Having access to high quality and affordable child care is critical to children, their parents, and our economy. Wonders provides continuing education for professional development as well as competitive salaries and benefits for all of its staff. This is essential to keeping Wonders’ talented teachers in the field, and in reducing turnover. 

Fun fact: I worked alongside Joanne Hurt at Wonders at Chevy Chase ES, back when we had a half day preschool there.

Mary Gross

I was able to fulfill my dreams of being a wonderful mother while contributing my professional talents to the world because I had access to quality childcare for my children when they were young.  I am forever grateful for the amazing teachers who provided a caring, open, stimulating learning environment for my children that made this possible!  I’ve had the pleasure of working with Wonders for the past seven years, six of those as a board member (including serving as Board President), and have been able to see firsthand what goes into providing the best quality care and learning for young children while also providing education, training & development, and a rewarding professional experience for our teachers. It is a fiscally challenging and unsustainable business model that needs much more support from local, state and federal governments, as well as corporations and individuals. I am delighted to be one of those contributors by joining the Leadership Circle!

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